Assessment and characterization of reading disorders and dyslexia in Portuguese children and adults
FCT – PTDC/PSI/64920/2006
The present proposal focuses on the characterization of different profiles of reading disorders, and aims to understand whether a deficit in implicit learning is associated with dyslexia. Individual cognitive profiles of poor readers will be assessed using an extensive test battery composed by cognitive and linguistic tasks that take into consideration the characteristics of Portuguese phonology and orthography. Rapid object naming and artificial grammar learning paradigms will also be implemented to evaluate specific hypotheses concerning the cognitive deficits involved in dyslexia. Altogether these measures will allow us to determine different types of poor reading and dyslexia in Portuguese children and adults, and to gain a more profound understanding of the cognitive deficits underlying reading disorders. This basic research is combined with an applied goal: to create a comprehensive battery to assess reading disorders based on the most current state-of-the-art cognitive research.
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